"Mobdeil" a lego stop-motion (or more collectively know as "Brickfilms") You-tuber has created a stopmo gem click here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsaOKD9E0qM to watch.
Mark Osborne's ( Kung Fu Panda ) has released the first trailer for his next movie The Little Prince. The trailer is spectacular. The film is a mix of 2D hand drawn, paper cut-out Stop Motion, puppet Stop Motion, and CGI. Which is pretty risky in this day and age. Now, anything with 2D or Stop Motion is an immediate red-flag; needless to say, this film (the Stop Motion side of it) will be beautiful. Although in the trailer we see a CGI little girl imagine a hand drawn plane, which turns into a paper cut-out plane, and then morphs into a Stop Motion puppet that becomes The Little Prince. CGI, in my opinion, was not the way to go with this project -- or so I thought. Now that I see the fusion process in realtime my view has shifted a little. Although my rule still stands, if you don't have a huge budget for CGI then don't do it ! The Little Prince trailer, though, did still pull it off; yes, it could be tweaked, but I have confidence ...
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